1- Fer alguna manualitat 2- Buscar objectes que tinguis a casa, fer una composició i dibuixar-la 3- Dibuixar al natural flors, plantes, arbres, familiars, animals… 4- FER PAPIROFLÈXIA 5- Fer algun collage 6 - Dibuixar paisatges: la muntanya, la platja, el camp… 7 - fer figures de plastilina o fang 8- RETALLAR 9 - Fer cada dia un dibuix diferent: 30 dies 30 dibuixos 10 - pintaR amb aquarel · les 11 - Fer dibuixos lliures 12- o fer dibuixos seguint tutorials:pas a pas 13- Pintar-los ...
Do you want to improve your English? Here are interesting links to learn English. INTERESTING LINKS: Here you have some links to improve your English: https://elt.oup.com/student/oupeprimary/?cc=global&selLanguage=en https://clic.xtec.cat/repo/index.html?lang=ca&language=en https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/es https://global.cbeebies.com https://en.islcollective.com/ http://www.edu365.cat/primaria/ INTERESTING VIDEOS: PRIMARY 3 - Goldilocks and the three bears https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oaw-d3r_gIc - The emperor new cloth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9mQoJU-6I0 - The town musicians of Bremen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zm5rbOpEnVg - The ant and the grasshopper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAQqLQY_tt4 -The hungry caterpillar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75NQK-Sm1YY PRIMARY 4 -Wallace and Gromit in a Grand Day Out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFRzZegVIhY -The Stick Man https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3ki25z - Jack and the beanstalk https://www.y...